This recording uses powerful theta healing techniques and combines with the Theta brainwave technology. Theta brainwave can create miracle healings and quantum changes. It reprograms your belief system at the DNA level and transforms your life in no time. This recording will bring you unconditional self-love and raise your deservedness to live a great life that you have dreamed!
This hypnosis recording uses powerful brainwave technology and embeds the hypnosis recording in the alpha brainwave background music, along with advanced hypnosis techniques such as Embedded Commands and Post Hypnotic Suggestions, it helps you achieve long lasting weight loss quickly!
This powerful NLP recording uses advanced NLP techniques such as timeline therapy, circle of excellence and anchoring. It communicates with your subconscious mind and reprogrammes your behaviors and emotions, and allows you to change from within to achieve your best version with unstoppable motivation!
This unique NLP recording uses powerful NLP techniques such as modeling and anchoring. It will effectively manage your internal mindset, leverages your behaviors from the models of excellence in the human behavior, and helps you develop instant confidence and improve every aspect of your life!