Home » Corner of self Care » How to Master the Magical Power of Your Hands Part One How to Master the Magical Power of Your Hands Part One Do you know that your hands can be a magical tool for your health? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), your hands are like a mini-universe that reflects your over health. This is the reason why palm reading can be a useful tool to predict your health challenges. From reflexology, your hands are just like your feet which reflect your internal organs and spell the layout of your whole body. By stimulating certain parts of your hands, you can give your internal organs a good massage and even get rid of some stubborn health challenges that have been bothering you for a while. Let’s dive into the magic power of your hands now. Neck issuesToday more and more people are suffering from the stiffness and discomfort of the neck. Why? Because we are so busy with our little cell phones and tablets all day long and forget how to live. Do you know that your poor neck has to support such a heavy head that is about 10 to 12 pounds on average all day long? No wonder many of us are experiencing headaches and shoulder pain without knowing the victim is the neck. Did you pay attention to the messages about the pain and soreness in your neck? If you bend your head to 60 degrees, it adds almost 60 pounds to your neck; your hands even have trouble lifting such a heavy load. The image below will show you how much pressure you add to your neck when you bend your heads to various degrees. Cervical spondylosis can lead to many health challenges and cause lots of discomfort in our bodies. But don’t worry; let your thumb take care of your neck. How to do it? Very simple! Pull the thumb like this: pull and hold it, then pinch it and roll back. Giving your thumb a good massage regularly will make your neck feel good. ConstipationConstipation has been very common among us due to prolonged sitting at work today, it causes the waste and toxins built up in the body and very uncomfortable too. Well, massaging the center of your palm can help prevent constipation. According to TCM, the large intestine meridian channel passes through the center of your palm, when you stimulate this area; it is like giving your large intestine a good massage to make it work more efficiently. You can use this method of scratching to increase the strength of the massage, and stop until you feel the warm sensation in your palm. Stomach discomfortMany people are suffering from stomach discomfort due to a fast pace at work and are not able to follow a sound routine to eat on time these days. Here comes the remedy for your stomach issues right in your hands. Right below the center of your palm is where the energy of your digestive system merges according to TCM. By massaging this area for a few minutes, your stomach will be at ease, and so is your digestion. There are many natural remedies that can help put your stomach back on track fast. FatigueHegu is the source point of the large intestine meridian and it is used for stress, facial pain, headaches, toothaches, and neck pain. Let’s figure out where the Hegu acupressure point is located, it is on the dorsum of the hand between the web of the thumb and index finger, at the highest spot of the muscle when the thumb and index fingers are brought close together. Massaging Hegu acupressure points regularly can reduce fatigue, prevent the dark circles around the eyes, and keep your brain clear and sharp. It is one of the most important acupressure points that can help prevent head and face related issues. ToothacheWhen you have a toothache or a headache, use deep and firm pressure to massage and stimulate this area for 4-5 seconds, massaging in a pressing and releasing motion for a few minutes can effectively reduce toothache.Do you know that your ears are also a magical tool to prevent a toothache and sore throat? CoughCough is one of the most popular health-related topics in winter. Imagine how it feels like to stay up all night with a chesty cough that seems unstoppable? There is a magical spot in your hand that can help you get rid of a bad cough easily. This magical spot is right located at the base of your thumb where the muscle is raised. It is called the thenar eminence in TCM. Yuji acupressure point is right located here; it is at the midpoint of the palmar side of the thumb, on the junction of the red and white skin. It is one of the most important acupressure points in the lung meridian channel. Massaging this area regularly can not only prevent a cough but also relieve a nasty cough.Here are more tips from TCM to stop a cold or a stubborn cough quickly. ArthritisWintertime is when arthritis can flare up, exercise your fingers, and massaging the joints in the fingers can produce the effect of relaxing the muscles and promoting blood circulation, which can effectively prevent arthritis. Here is a set of simple finger exercises to boost your health that you can practice anywhere and anytime. Let’s start now.Step one: Put your hand on the table, turn the index finger, middle finger, ring finger, and little finger in the direction of the thumb, then move back in the opposite direction. Step two: Raise your hand and make an O-shape with your index finger, middle finger, ring finger, little finger, and the thumb one by one, repeat this exercise two to three times. Step three: Bend your fingers into a C shape and repeat this exercise 10 to 15 times. Step four: Make a fist and repeat it 10 to 15 times. The feet exercises are just as simple as the finger exercises, and they do wonders to your health.These finger exercises only take a few minutes a day, they not only help prevent arthritis, but also improve your overall health, and persistence is the key. I hope you enjoy the information and stay tuned; part two packed with more interesting information will come soon. What are your favorite finger exercises? Please share with us. Palm reading sessionsLucy Liu started palm reading when she was 9 years old, her palm reading combines Traditional Chinese Medicine, Eastern Palmistry, and Western Palmistry, which will give you a unique overview and prediction about your health and other important aspects in your life including your career and relationships. Check here to find out more. Quote“The final forming of a person’s character lies in their own hands.” ~ Anne Frank Our Weekly Newsletter Current fresh trends in holistic health and alternative medicine Effective self-care tips from TCM and alternative medicine Newly discovered healing techniques and natural remedies Simple and effective Anti-aging and weight loss solutions Solution tool kits for chronic disease management Astrology predictions and much more... Subscribe to our newsletter Your information is 100% secure with us. We will never sell, rent or share your details. Search FRESH TRENDS Popular New Superfoods A Glimpse of Astrology Predictions for 2025 How to Decalcify Your Pineal Gland and Sharpen Your Intuition Natural Ways to Boost Your Mitochondrial Function and Reverse Aging Unique Ways to Heal Emotional Traumas About the author: Lucy Liu As a Holistic Health Practitioner, Registered Dietitian, TCM Practitioner, Energy Healer, Master Hypnotist, Reiki Master, Advanced Theta Healing Practitioner, Author and Speaker, Lucy Liu, the founder of optimalhealthsolutions.ca, has gained a good reputation in holistic health after many years of serving patients and clients as a holistic health practitioner. Lucy has developed a unique and comprehensive approach, which combines Western Medicine, Chinese Medicine, Energy Medicine, and Alternative Medicine together, to help others achieve optimal health by creating harmony between the body, mind, and spirit, and maintain long-term success for healthy lifestyle changes. Read More To connect: Facebook: Twitter: LinkedIn: Book Lucy Liu as a speaker and view the topics she offers, please Click Here Posted byLucy LiuNovember 20, 2018May 6, 2022